Carpet Repair
Resolve Carpet Damage Issues Today!
When you need quality carpet repairs in Atlanta, Alpharetta, Marietta and surrounding areas A Better Carpet & Floor Service can handle your carpet repair needs. Our carpet technicians are highly experienced professionals. They have been fixing carpet problems since 1994. If you want to hire a professional carpet repair company that will take your needs seriously and do the best work possible, call A Better Carpet & Floor Service as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.

Pet Damage
Have pets and need carpet repair? You love your animals and their unique personalities. But you probably don’t love how they can tear your carpet or use it as a potty pad. After the damage is done, how can you get your carpet back to normal? The edges may be frayed; perhaps holes have been dug. If this sounds all too familiar, call A Better Carpet & Floor Service when you have damaged carpet from your pets in Atlanta and surrounding cities.
Carpet Transition
A carpet transition is where the carpet meets another type of flooring. This includes the seam between carpeting and a wood or tile floor, or other non-carpeted flooring. Transitions can be the points of weakness in your carpeting if the installation was not correctly handled or if there has been some cause for tearing at the end of the transition. A Better Carpet & Floor Service delivers transition repair in Atlanta and surrounding cities.

Seam Repair
If two pieces of carpet have separated, A Better Carpet & Floor Service can help. Seams should not come apart, so if it happens, it’s typically an installation issue, a water issue, or it was cut intentionally due to a flood. Using the best carpet repair techniques, we carefully re-install seam tape under the seam using a Kool Glide seaming iron. If caused by a pet, the carpet may be stretched, or a carpet patch could be the solution to fix the damage.

Berber Repair
Fixing Berber damage is the job of a specialist. That’s where A Better Carpet & Floor Service comes in! One of the disadvantages of Berber carpet is that its loop construction makes it more susceptible to snags. Furniture dragging across the floor, curious cats kneading their claws in the carpet, or pulling on a loose loop can all spell the beginning of an unraveling mess. Even the power head of your vacuum cleaner can cause problems if it catches a loose strand of Berber. To fix this damage, we utilize leftover carpet from the original installation. If the homeowner has no excess carpet, we can often take some from the back of a closet. Because carpet runs in rows and can fade with sun exposure or foot traffic, even the best Berber repair can sometimes leave visible evidence. We’re always upfront with our customers about what to expect from the finished repair based on the carpet’s condition and the extent of the damage.
How do you fix a hole in carpet?
There are reasons why you keep extra pieces of your carpet somewhere in your home. It’s for repairing holes, berber snags, and other types of damage. We skillfully remove the damaged part of your carpet and replace it with a permanent section, so it looks as if it’s been there all along. If you don’t have spare carpet a good source is to take a piece from a closet.
I need a piece of carpet to replace a spot on the carpet my cat scratched. Can I buy a piece of new carpet from Home Depot or Lowes?
You can, but the chances it’s going to match are really slim – even if it’s the same carpet. Here’s why: Carpet is made in dye lots. Each dye lot is slightly different, which means it is nearly impossible to find an exact match, What we prefer to do is to use a piece of your original saved carpet or take a piece from an inconspicuous spot in the back corner of a closet, for instance.
After you repair my carpet, will it be noticeable to me and others that you patched a piece of newer carpet into the rest of the room?
We work really hard to make a damaged carpet as seamless a fix as possible. Sometimes a carpet repair is seamless. Sometimes it may be slightly noticeable. How noticeable depends on a few factors: Condition of the carpet overall, location of damage/repair, and availability of matching carpet. Carpet repairs are a fraction of the cost of carpet replacement.
Still have unanswered questions? Give us a call so we can answer them and give you a free estimate over the phone: (770)745-7777
Call A Better Carpet & Floor Service Today At 770-745-7777
carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, carpet repair, carpet stretching, water damage